Monday, 17 November 2008

Close textual analysis...

Media Language- what techniques are being used to make meaning in the text?

Semiotics- The signs and points of anchoring that are most recognisable in this scene are aspects like when the "gang" smash up a car outside the person house. This signifies that the"gang" are very serious and are not scared of the consequences.

Cinematography, camera work- In the scene there are various shots of medium and long. In the scene where the protagonist is in the club after he has just taken drugs we see the camera lens go a bit blurry to put us in the character shoes.

mise-en-scene- The clothing that the character are quite old styled and old fashioned. This may be because the film is set in the past but it suggests that the style of costume to fit that time period. The facical expressions that are shown in the scene are mainly anger and hatred as we clips of the "gang" forming and they way they made into the "gang" by their fighting skills.

Lighting- The lighting in the scene is a contrast of both light and dark. This can suggest that there are elements in the film that are both good and bad meaning that there is a good side as well as a bad one.

Sound- In the scene the music is non-digetic and there is also a voiceover. The voiceover is from the point of view of the main protagonist as we are put in his minds and thoughts.

Editing- The scene consits of jump cuts and dissolves to put us in the mind frame of the protagonist when he has just taken drugs.

Institution- who produces, distributes, regulates the text?

Production- Non Hollywood

promotion: opening sequence

Distribution- Art house cinema

Genre- what type of text is it?

Genre conventions- The genre conventions that are shown in the scene is the urban rural setting on Essex. The characters themes are all violent people who love to fight.

Film Genre- The genre from focusing closely on the scene above, shows that film is an action packed film with violent and drug polluted issues with in it.

Broadcast fiction genre- The film is a one off made production as it is based on a real story account of the rang rover murders.

Representation- who or what is being represented in the text? how?

Gender- The gender which is most profound in the scene are males. This suggests that it was a patriarchal society where men were the dominant sex. It is a partially assumptive society however it is slowly changing as women are becoming more known for their establishments.

Stereotypes- The stereotypes that the scene follows are that of a football hooligan and the actions they take towards certain situations i.e they are violent to everyone and beat everyone up.

Mediation- I do not know if the scene which I have analysed is a mediated it or not as it based on a true story.

Naturalism- The scene creates a sense or realism as it shows the middle class and upper class so it gives a sense of both worlds.

Audience- who consumes the text?

Target audience- The target audience for this scene will be partically men who are bouncers. The primaralry audience would be D and E demographic socio classed via personal identity. The secondary audience would A and B classes via surveillance purposes.

Expectations- The expectations of the scene are fulfuilled as is shows the gritty Essex boys and what they do best which is what I expected as it is a violent film which follows the action conventions.

Narrative pleasures- The narrative pleasures of the scene are ironic as it shows that there are people out there that are bigger and better than you.

Ideology- what are the belief systems/messages/values underpinning the text?

Dominant ideology- The dominant ideology that are portrayed in the film are a male doninant socitey which is drug influenced.

Positive values- The positive values is that it was made to inform people that drugs and violence is not always the case and people can die if they are careful wih their actions.

Patriarchy- Misogyny.

Narrative- how is the narrative in the text organized and structured?

Narrative- The narrative in this scene builds up the tension for the audiene as it introduces the characters which leaves the narrative quite open as the audiene do not know a lot bout them.

Non- linear narrative- The narrative is non linear as it has a mixture of characters which are yet to unveail however, are led on by the voicover.

Narrative roles- The narrative roles in the film are good vs bad, hero vs villans. however this can be argues as the villan is the hero in the film.

Enigma codes- This particular scene raises many enigmas codes for the audience as they are questioning which character is going to appear next and what is his role in the film.

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