Saturday, 3 January 2009

3 Contemporary adverts...

Diet Coke Break

In this advertisement the women are represented to foucs on the mans body and the way he is drinking die coke, where as men are normally seen to be doing that; roles reveresed. This assumes that women are gaining the "power" in society were by they can do the same things as men do which maybe changing since the past were women were just represented as housewifes. Also, the text conveys some elements of irony as diet coke is targeted for women however, the man is drinking it.

Fresh Up

In this advert the males are being objectified as sex objects to attract the "female gaze," This switches the roles in society were men are starting to be seen more promiscuious. This then intorduces the "new man" were men are getting in touch with their feminine side by either pampering themseleves or caring avout the aperance.


In this advertisement L'Oreal have used a celebrity icon; Beyonce to help persuade peope into purchasing their products. Even though this advert is a contermporary text it still has elements of women being objectifed as sex objects as Beyonce is in a short dress dancing in the advert. This proves that women are still being shown in the media for what they look like and how they look.

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