Saturday, 3 January 2009

Essay Plan...

"How are males Represented in the true story of Rise Of The Footsolider?"

The title of study focuses on the representation of males, therefore I will be foucsing on how males act in the film, what they do and compare their roles to those of the females character and how they change over the film. I have chosen Rise Of The Footsoldier as my foucs as this film is based on a true story therefore the representation of males in that time decade are or maybe accurate as this is what was happening in society.


In the introudction of my essay I will be giving a brief outline of the sotry line and what I hope to explore from my study and how I am going to go about it. I will end my introduction open minded so that the audience will not feel as if the essay is biased; it should sound debatable. I also will be talking about the representation of men in that time decade of the 80's so later on in my essay when I talk about the "new man" people can see the difference. (In, R, H, G)

Paragraph 1

In the opening of the first pargraph I will be concentrating on 3/4 of characters which are most apparent in my film.

  • I will look closely at what males are being represented as. (quote)
  • How males are being represented for example, through their costume, gestures, props etc.
  • Are these representation realistic or has the director exaggerated them?
  • If the representation is a positive or negative influence on the audience? (quote)
  • Compare my text to historical text and see if the representations have stayed the same or changed.
  • Aruge both sides. (So essay does no become one sided and bias.)

(R, A, ML, H)

Paragraph 2

In the second pargraph of my essay I will be concentrating on SHEP and talk about what males did in the film that effected society. Also, as the film is based on a true story I will be gathering articles about the issue and link it to the political element of SHEP.

  • How was drugs and violence portrayed in the film and how it effected the male characters and the society that they lived in? (quote)
  • Is the use of drugs and violence maximised or is it a fair accusation of issue in that time period?
  • Incorporate articles from the BBC into my study so that I can see what political issues were brought up and see if they have changed since or if they have stayed the same. (quotes)

(S, H, E, P, Ot)

Paragraph 3

In the third paragraph of the essay I will foucsing on the male dominancy in a patrichal society. I will be covering scenes which showed men in total control and women who were their just for sex.

  • How males are being represented in power? For example, costume, gestures, attidues, behaviour etc. (quote)
  • How women are acting towards the male dominancy in the film? (quote)
  • What are the typical stereotypes given to women in the film?
  • Were women in society just there to please males? or where they their to help men?
  • Argue both sides. (Laura Mulvey)

(R, Th, Id, S, ML)

Paragraph 4

In the fourth paragraph of my essay I will be exploring the narrative and how the representation of the man was changed through the years in the film.

  • How males were represented in the beginning of the film?
  • How the "new man" was formed in the later stages of the film?
  • With time does every man have the "new man" in them? (quote)
  • Is it a true, fair and accurate view of the "new man" or has the director minimised the level so that it does not break the charcters role?

(N, In, Th)


In the conclusion of my essay I will be summarising all my points about the representation of males and also see if the direcotr/film maker changed the story line so that the represenation of males was much more stronger.

  • Sumarise my title.
  • Answer it using evidence what I have gathered (both sides of the argument)
  • State whether or not it was a fair assumption of males.
  • State if the director made any changes to mediate the text so that it appeals to a wider audience.

(R, A, In, Opinion)

Link to References to include

  • Bibliography- Which i have created that i got my quotes from with the correct page reference and dates.
  • Websites- that i have got reviews from my film.

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