Thursday 11 September 2008

Media Audiences

The target audience of Rise of the foot solider would be males over the age of 18. I would believe that the target audience is this because the certification of the film is 18 and as the film has violent scenes it is more likely that males would watch it rather than females.

The audience are likely to receive this text in a very hard hitting as the text is based on a very serious matter. The audience can be even more touched as the film is based on a true story which in the back of their minds they will be thinking, did this actually happened?

The audience of this film is not huge because it is a art house film which is based in Essex in London. Therefore, the film was only shown in the UK which limited the audience to only being in the UK and not around the world.

The uses and gratifications theory of the film is primarily personal identity and surveillance purposes. This is because the target audience can relate to this if they they have been in the same situation as situations like the ones in the film are still going on today. Also surveillance purposes for the A/B demographics so that they have an understanding of what happeed in the past and how they can help improve these issues.

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