Friday 2 January 2009

5 Reasons why female directors are so rare...

  • One reason in which female directors are so rare is that the film industry is such a male dominant industry which makes it difficult for female directors to acutally show off their talents.
  • A second reason is that if a female director was to get pregnant and have a baby it will be very difficult to balance the life of a mother and director.
  • A third reason is that if female directors were sucessful their will be a decrease in the roles of "hoes", "bitches" and "housewifes" as the directors will give a different view of women showing them in power.
  • A fourth reason is tha their is no outstanding female director to look up to as a role model. Therefore, this makes it harder for up and coming directors as they do not have that "voice" which tells them what to do or what is required.
  • There is already a small list of scriptwriters, so we don't expect to see any film directors.

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